Vintage mail-order catalogue and supplement for the cocaine enthusiast with delusions of grandeur, from “the leading innovator of solid 14K gold and non-gold Cocacessories (TM).” The first 11 pages showcase glistening razor blades, coke spoons, pipettes, and vials, all made of, plated in, or adorned with “Gold…the most precious of all metals…It has been deified and abhorred. It has been universally demanded with an ardour, a feverish intensity, and a brutality of which man had formerly no idea. Impervious to the ravages of time, gold bears the imprint of eternity.”
Subsequent catalog pages offer literature (THE GOURMET COKEBOOK; THE PLEASURES OF COCAINE) and non-gold paraphernalia: glass jars, ziploc bags, plastic cards for laying lines, strainers, spatulas, pestles, funnels, mirrors and glass slabs with and without pre-cut grooves; scales in velvet-and-silk lined leatherette cases.
With a separately issued Addendum, listing a wide variety of glassware, wishspoons (“adjustable to your nose size”), and an “isotonic solution” to soothe the nasal membranes (for those who cannot afford to gold-plate their septums), ending with two multi-purpose innovations: the Absotootly (“It’s a tooter, it’s a spoon, it’s a spring-loaded straw”) and the Kokey Klip (“a detachable key chain, roach clip, and coke spoon all in one.”).
Cocacessories (TM) shown in a wide variety of designs, from swirling baroque flourishes to a gleaming straight-lined sharp-angled minimalism fit for the most discerning Patrick Batemanesque aesthete of the approaching ’80s. All merchandise pictured, but with color photography reserved for gold items only. Because when the last speck of cocaine is gone like the snows of yesteryear, gold remains.